Providing an in-depth treatment of the core enablers of cognitive radio technology, this unique book places emphasis on critical areas that have not been sufficiently covered in existing literature. You find expert guidance in the key enablers with respect to communications and signal processing. The book presents fundamentals, basic solutions, detailed discussions of important enabler issues, and advanced algorithms to save you time with your projects in the field. For the first time in any book, you find an adequately detailed treatment of spectrum sensing that covers nearly every aspect of the subject. Moreover, this valuable resource provides you with thorough working knowledge of localization and interference mitigation as enablers of cognitive radio technology. The book includes all the necessary mathematics, statistical and probabilistic treatments, and performance analysis to give you a comprehensive understanding of the material.
Table Of Contents
Introduction to Cognitive Radios -Introduction. Definition of Cognitive Radios. Software-Defined Radios. The Cognitive Cycle. The Radio Scene Analysis. Dynamic Spectrum Access and Management. Regulatory Aspects. Application Clusters. ; Fundamentals of Spectrum Sensing and Detection -Introduction. Statistical Detection Techniques. Continuous and Discrete Signal Detection. Detection Performance. Wireless Channel Models. Basic Models for Spectrum Occupancy. Stochastic Analysis of Radio Signals. Blind, Partial, and Complete Context Aware Signal Detection. Summary. ; Introduction to Spectrum Sensing Techniques -Introduction. Spectrum Sensing with Energy Detection. Energy detection and noise power uncertainty. Spectrum Sensing with Cyclostationary Feature Detection. Spectrum Sensing with Matched Filter Detection. Other Spectrum Sensing Techniques. Summary. ; Temporal Spectrum Sensing and Performance Analysis -Introduction. Temporal Periodic-Spectrum Sensing. Primary User Spectral Occupancy Model with Poisson Arrival. Detection Performance of Periodic-Sensing with Poisson Arrival and Deterministic Occupancy Time. Primary User Misdetection Risk Regions. Temporal Periodic-Sensing with Poisson-exponential Occupancy Model. Temporal Periodic-Sensing with Poisson-Pareto Occupancy Model. Temporal Periodic-Sensing Performance Comparison with Deterministic and Random Occupancies. Temporal Periodic-Sensing in Noise. Temporal Periodic-Sensing in Noise with Signal Fading/Shadowing. Optimum Sensing Period. Reality of Spectrum Occupancy Models. Summary. ; Cooperative Spectrum Sensing -Introduction. Spatio-Temporal Fusion Strategy. Hard Decision Fusion. Soft Decision Fusion. Cluster-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing. Noisy Reporting Channels. Other Issues in Cooperative Sensing. Summary. ; Distributed Spectrum Sensing -Introduction. Parallel Topology-Based Distributed Sensing. Sequential Topology-Based Distributed Sensing. Tree Topology-Based Distributed Sensing. Ring-Around Distributed Sensing. Summary. ; Advanced Spectrum Sensing Topics -Introduction. Spectrum Sensing in UWB Radios with Frequency Sweeping. Spectrum Sensing in OFDM Systems. Combined Localization and Detection of Primary Users. Sequential Spectrum Sensing. Spectrum Sensing with Ordered Statistics. Spectrum Sensing with Reconfigurable Antennas. Spectrum Sensing in 3D-Space. Summary. ; Fundamentals of Coexistence and Interference Mitigation Techniques - Interference in Cognitive Radio and its Characterization. Coexistence Scenarios. Interference Mitigation Techniques. Summary and Further Readings. ; Coexistence Analysis - Coexistence Between Heterogeneous Wireless Systems. Channel Model. Interference Modeling. The Effect of Narrowband Interference on a Wideband Communication. The Effect of Wideband Interference on a Narrowband Communication. Summary and Further Readings. ; Coexistence in Network Scenarios - Coexistence Between Heterogeneous Networks. Statistical Characterization of Network Interference. The Effect of Interference on Performance of Coexisting Networks. Performance Examples of Heterogeneous Coexisting Networks. Summary and Further Readings.; Interference Mitigation Techniques Enabling Coexistence - Cognitive Radio Transmission Techniques Enabling Coexistence. The Secondary User Perspective: Performance of CR Transmission Strategies. The Primary User Perspective: Impact of CR Transmission Strategies. Summary and Further Readings. ; Advanced Interference Mitigation Techniques - Interference Mitigation Techniques in UWB Radios. Interference Mitigation in Spatial Domain. Summary and Further Readings. ; Fundamentals of Ranging and Localization for Cognitive Radio - Ranging Techniques and Enabling Technologies. Performance Limits of Time-based Ranging: From Theory to Practice. Cognitive Ranging. Localization Techniques. Summary and Further Readings. ; Localization of Primary Users - Localization of Noncollaborative Emitters. Radio Environment Mapping. Summary and Further Readings. ; Conclusions and Future Work;
Andrea Giorgetti
Andrea Giorgetti is an assistant professor in the Department of Electronics, Computer Sciences and Systems at the University of Bologna in Italy. He received his Laurea degree in electronic engineering and his Ph.D. in electronic engineering and computer science, both from the University of Bologna.
Kandeepan Sithamparanathan
Kandeepan Sithamparanathan is with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the RMIT University (Melbourne). He holds an M.Eng. in telecommunications and a Ph.D. in communications engineering, both from the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.