Here's a ground-breaking new book that provides you with the knowledge you need to perform effective computer simulation of scattering for the real targets and conditions of radio wave propagation. By replacing field tests with the computer simulation methods presented in this unique resource, you save time and money in the early stages of research and development. Supplemented with 283 equations and 121 illustrations, you get practical guidance in estimating the effect of various signatures of new radar with target recognition; evaluating and comparing the effectiveness and complexity of recognition algorithms before they are actually introduced into radar; formulating requirements to radar subsystems and evaluating their tolerances; and predicting future radar performance. What's more, the book helps you perform initial simulation of the recognition algorithm in various conditions, where the practical receiving of experimental data is restricted. Other key discussions include the theory of target recognition, results of studying various recognition methods, and simulation in radar detection and tracking.
Table Of Contents
Aerial Target Scattering Simulation in Decimeter and Centimeter Wave Bands - Possible Simulation Methods. Simplest Component Method. Consideration of Fast-Rotating Target Components. Consideration of Target Flight in Various Weather Conditions. Informativity of Recognition Features.; Simulation of Recognition Features in the Cases of the Wide-Band and Narrow-Band Illumination. Signals - Target Range Profile Simulation by Various Wide-Band Probing Methods. Range-Polarization and Range-Frequency Target Profile Simulation. The 2-D Target Image Simulation. Simulation of Radar Cross-Sections and Polarization Parameters, Rotational Modulation Parameters and Correlation Factors of Fluctuations via Frequency Diversity in Narrow-Band Illumination. ; Simulation of the Aerial Target Recognition Algorithm Operation - Bayesian and Nonparametric Recognition Algorithm Variety. Direct Utilization and Wavelet Transform of Initial Data. Neural Recognition Algorithms Variety and their Use in Recognition.; Simulation of the Aerial Target Detection and Tracking Algorithm Operation .- Comparison of Simulated and A Priori Fluctuation Models. Target Glint Models in Tracking. The Wideband Detection and Tracking.; Peculiarity of Simulation in Ground Clutter and Ground Reflection of Narrowband and Wideband Signals. General Principles of Simulation. Digital Terrain Maps and Peculiarities of their Use in Simulation. Recognition in the Ground Clutter and Ground Reflection.; Augmented Physical Optics Utilization in Simulation. Scattering Effects for the Targets Uncovered, Partially and Completely Covered with Radar-Absorbing Materials in Bistatic and Monostatic Radar. ; References. Index.;
Yakov D. Shirman
Yakov D. Shirman is a professor at the Kharkov Military University, Ukraine. He holds a D.Sc. in radar from the Institute of Radio Engineering at the Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow and two States Prize Diploma. He is the author of twenty books, and many inventions that had laid the foundation of the work in the areas of pulse compression and adaptive antennas in former USSR.