By (author): Kiyoshi Nosu

Copyright: 1997
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9780890067697

Our Price: £34.00
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This is a state-of-the-art review of optical Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) network technologies. Authored by a leading expert on the topic, this book provides complete coverage of this active and rapidly growing field - from optical devices to network architecture, design, and operation. It is the first book to focus on wide area all-optical networks. Optical FDM networks are particularly attractive because they are highly flexible, expandable and have very broad bandwidth. This book provides a background to the history of lightwave technology for communications and presents a detailed comparison of Optical FDM network technologies and the Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) scheme, on which all current digital telecommunications networks are based. It explains how optical FDM networks are achieved, primarily by optical passive devices and optical amplifiers at optical nodes, and the consequent advantages of their being independent of bit rate, bit synchronization and transport schemes. The book presents a comprehensive overview of the architecture and various components and subsystems of the optical FDM network and concludes with practical chapters on optical FDM network design and management. This is an excellent study of a technology which is rapidly becoming more important to understand. It is clearly written and includes 60 illustrations and 30 equations. Essential reading for all broadband telecommunication engineers, lightwave device engineers, gigabit network engineers and researchers and graduate students who need to keep up-to-date on developing optical technologies.
Table Of Contents
1.Introduction: Overview. History of Transmission Technology. History of Multiplexing Technology for Communications. The Concept of Optical FDM-Based Networks. Book Organization. 2. Network Architecture: Current Digital Network Architecture. Optical FDM-Based Network Architecture. Subsystems of Optical FDM-Based Networks. 3. Laser diodes: Structure of Single-Frequency Laser Diodes. Spectral Width of a Laser Diode Output Wave. Optical Frequency Stabilization of Laser Diodes. Optical Frequency Reference Light Sources and Optical Frequency Measurement. 4. Fiber Cables: Optical Fiber Linear Effects that Restrict Optical FDM Transmission Capabilities. Fiber Nonlinear Effects. 5. Optical Amplifiers and Optical Frequency Shifters: Types of Optical Amplifiers. Erbium-Doped Silica Fiber Amplifier. Noise Accumulation and the Network Size Restriction. Optical Frequency Shifter. 6. Optical Filters: Overview. Silica Waveguide-Type Filters. Bulk-Type Filters. Other Filters. 7. Couplers and Space-Division Switches: Couplers. Space-Division Switches. 8. Network Operation 9. Optical FDM Network Systems: Overview. High-Speed Local-Area Networks and Metropolitan-Area Networks. Advanced Access Networks. Trunk Telecommunication Networks. Summary.


  • Kiyoshi Nosu