The culmination of more than twenty years of research, this authoritative resource provides you with a practical understanding of time-frequency signal analysis. The book offers in-depth coverage of critical concepts and principles, along with discussions on key applications in a wide range of signal processing areas, from communications and optics to radar and biomedicine. Supported with over 140 illustrations and more than 1,700 equations, this detailed reference explores the topics you need to understand for your work in the field, such as Fourier analysis, linear time frequency representations, quadratic time-frequency distributions, higher order time-frequency representations, and analysis of non-stationary noisy signals. This unique book also serves as an excellent text for courses in this area, featuring numerous examples and problems at the end of each chapter.
Table Of Contents
Introduction to Fourier Analysis. Linear Time-Frequency Representations. Quadratic Time-Frequency Distributions. Higher Order Time-Frequency Representations. Analysis of Non-Stationary Noisy Signals. Some Applications of Time-Frequency Analysis.
Milos Dakovic
Milos Dakovic is an associate professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Montenegro. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from that same university.
Ljubisa Stankovic
Ljubisa Stankovic is a full professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Montenegro. He earned his M.S. in communications from the University of Belgrade and his Ph.D. in electromagnetic waves propagation at the University of Montenegro. Dr. Stankovic is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions On Signal Processing.
Thayananthan Thayaparan
Thayananthan Thayaparan is a defense scientist with the Department of National Defense in Canada. He holds a B.Sc. in physics from the University of Jaffna in Srilanka, and M.Sc. in physics from the University of Oslo in Norway, and a Ph.D. in atmospheric physics at the University of Western Ontario in Canada. Dr. Thayaparan serves on the editorial board of IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology) Signal Processing.