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eBook Information

About Artech House eBooks
Artech House eBooks are now connected to your Artech House website account and anchored to a cloud-based platform that offers you the ability to read online at any time or download to your other devices for offline reading.
Upon submission of your eBook order in our shopping cart, you may access your eBook library by doing any of the following:

  1. Click on Download Link under the book title on the order receipt page
  2. Click on Download Link in your order confirmation email
  3. Go directly to your personal eBook library at

You may now Print/Copy/Paste up to 50% of an eBook every 30 days.

Your eBook Library
Artech House eBooks may be read online with any Internet-connected desktop or mobile device at

To Read Online
Login to your account at Click the READ ONLINE link to open the eBook in our online reader. The online reader provides tools for making notes and citations, adding bookmarks, downloading for offline reading and printing. You may Print/Copy/Paste up to 50% of an eBook every 30 days.

To Download for Offline Reading
To download an eBook for offline reading, click the DOWNLOAD link then follow the setup directions below.

Please Note: eBOOKS DO NOT ALLOW FOR UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS. Our digital rights management allows you 3 copies of an Artech eBook. We recommend you download one copy to your primary device then simply authorize all other devices with the same Adobe ID to sync your title to other devices. In this way, there is no reason to download more than one copy. Artech eBooks are not multi-user books and may not be shared with other users.

How to Setup your Downloaded e-Book
IMPORTANT: You must use an Adobe Digital Editions compatible application to read your Artech eBook offline.
Artech House utilizes the Adobe Content Server environment for the authorization and display of our downloaded e-Book titles. In order to read your eBook, you will need to utilize an Adobe Digital Editions compatible reader application on your computer, and/or mobile device. You may download the Adobe Digital Editions reader application for free at We recommend mobile users utilize the free Bluefire Reader app for reading on all mobile devices. Bluefire Reader is available for both iOS and Android devices.

We recommend downloading your eBook first to a computer, then transferring to other devices as necessary. If you are downloading to a mobile device first, please follow the mobile installation instructions below.

To Download and Install on a Computer First

  1. Click on the download link and choose a location to save your eBook file to. It will have a file extension of ".acsm".
  2. Download and install the latest version of the Adobe Digital Editions reader to your main work computer from:
  3. Open Adobe Digital Editions while connected to the Internet.
  4. The Setup Assistant wizard prompts you to authorize Adobe Digital Editions (you must be online during this process) and create an Adobe ID. (see image below)
  5. Click "Create an Adobe ID" and choose a simple email/password combination. *
  6. Enter your Adobe ID and password into the text fields, ensuring the "eBook Vendor" dropdown is set to "AdobeID".
  7. Click the “Authorize” button to complete Adobe Digital Editions setup.
  8. Choose File>Add to Library from the top menu of Adobe Digital Editions and choose the .acsm file you downloaded in Step 1.

*Please do not authorize your computer without an Adobe ID. You will not be able to transfer your eBook to other devices unless the Adobe ID is created when you authorize the computer.

Adobe Digital Editions

To Download and Install on a Mobile Device First

We recommend using the Bluefire Reader app for display across all iOS and Android mobile devices.

  1. Click on the download link and choose a location to save your eBook file to. It will have a file extension of ".acsm".
  2. Download and install the latest version of the Bluefire Reader to your mobile device.
  3. Create an Adobe ID if you don't already have one. An Adobe ID is a simple email/password combination.
  4. Open the Bluefire Reader app while connected to the Internet.
  5. The Setup Assistant wizard will prompt you to authorize the app.
  6. Enter your Adobe ID email address and password to authorize the app.
  7. Close the Bluefire Reader app.
  8. Using a file explorer application, locate the eBook file you downloaded and copy or cut the file.
  9. Open the Bluefire folder from the main menu of the file explorer.
  10. Open the Imports folder.
  11. Paste the file into the Imports folder.
  12. Open Bluefire Reader and navigate to the Info tab.
  13. Select the "Import" button.
  14. At this point you should be redirected to the Library tab with the "Processing" dialog displayed and the book should be successfully transferred into the Bluefire Reader Library.

For more information on Bluefire Reader operations, please visit their Frequently Asked Questions page.

How To Get Help With an e-Book
For Artech House e-Chapter or e-Book Customer Support, please contact us via email here.
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