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Proposal Preparation

The first step in preparing a new book proposal is to think clearly about the readers for whom you will be writing the book. Artech books typically help practicing professionals to solve real-world problems.

Once you have a clear understanding of who your readers will be and why they will find your book useful, you need to describe the intended scope and content of your book. You should put together a short description of what your book will include, and special features you plan to include or accompany your book (such as software, code, supplementary web site), and of course a draft table of contents.

It is important that you are aware of any existing books which are potential competitors to your own. You will need to spend a little time investigating this, and possibly looking at any similar books in some detail to determine what will be the distinguishing feature(s) of your book.

You should give careful and realistic thought to the time you allow for writing your book. How long do you think it will be before you can have a first draft ready? Are there any significant dates which will affect publication (such as the introduction of a new technology to the market, the agreement of a new standard, the passing of a law).

Other Information
We will eventually need further information including the number of figures and equations which will be in your book, and which programs you will be using to prepare the text and figures. If you are ready to provide this information now, please click here.

Sample Material
If you have not published an English-language book before, we will need to see a sample of your writing, usually a chapter from the book, before a contract can be issued. Please feel free to submit a chapter at the earliest possible opportunity to the appropriate Artech editor.

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