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Coherent Doppler Wind Lidars in a Turbulent Atmosphere

Coherent Doppler Wind Lidars in a Turbulent Atmosphere

By (author)s: Viktor Banakh, Igor Smalikho
Copyright: 2013
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9781608076673

Print Book £114.00 Qty:
eBook £92.00
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Radiophysical tools for measuring atmospheric dynamics include sodars, Doppler radars, and Doppler lidars. Among these, coherent Doppler lidars (CDLs) have been considered the best for remote measurement of wind turbulence. This is important not only for understanding the exchange processes in the boundary layer, but also in the applied aspect, such as aviation safety. CDLs significantly extend possibilities of experimental investigation of not only wind turbulence, but also coherent structures such as aircraft wake vortices. The authors of this book conducted field tests of the developed methods of lidar measurements of the wind velocity, atmospheric turbulence parameters, and aircraft wake vortices. This valuable resource, containing over 500 equations based on original results from the authors' work, gives professionals a comprehensive description of the operating principles of continuous wave and pulsed coherent Doppler lidars. This book studies the possibilities of obtaining information about wind turbulence from data measured by continuous wave and pulsed CDLs. The procedures for estimation are described, as well as algorithms for numerical simulation. Results on the vortex behavior and evolution are then presented.
Statistics of CDL Echo Signal -Introduction. Coherent Detection and Governing Equations for CDL Echo Signals. Echo Signal Statistics for Continuous-Wave CDLs. Echo Signal Statistics for Pulsed CDLs. Conclusions.; Statistics of Lidar Estimates of the Radial Velocity and Doppler Spectrum Width -Introduction. Estimation of Spectral Moments. Statistical Characteristics of Estimates of the Radial Velocity and the Doppler Spectrum Width for Continuous-Wave CDLs. Error in Estimation of the Radial Velocity from Continuous-Wave CDL Data. Influence of Turbulent Fluctuations of the Refractive Index on the Temporal Spectrum of Wind Velocity Measured by Continuous-Wave CDL. Statistics for Radial Velocity Estimates and the Width of the Doppler Spectrum for Pulsed CDLs. Conclusions. ; Measuring the Wind Velocity and Direction with Coherent Doppler Lidars -Introduction. Measurement of Mean Wind Velocity and Direction with a Continuous-Wave CDL. Methods for Estimating the Wind Velocity Vector from Pulsed CDL Data. Experimental Testing of the FSWF and MFAS Techniques. Simulation of Retrieval of Vertical Wind Profiles from Measurements by Spaceborne CDLs. Conclusions. ; Estimation of Atmospheric Turbulence Parameters from Wind Measurements with Coherent Doppler Lidars -Introduction. Estimation of Wind Turbulence Parameters from Doppler Spectrum Width and Temporal Statistics of Radial Velocity Measured with Continuous-Wave CDLs. Determination of the Turbulent Energy Dissipation Rate from the Transverse Spatial Structure Function of Radial Velocity Measured by Conically Scanning Continuous-Wave CDLs. Retrieval of Vertical Profiles of the Turbulent Energy Dissipation Rate from Continuous-Wave CDL Data. Methods for Estimating Wind Turbulence Parameters from Pulsed CDL Scanning Data in the Vertical Plane. Experimental Studies of the Possibility of Turbulence Measurements by Pulsed CDLs in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Estimation of the Turbulence Energy Dissipation Rate from Data Measured with a Conically Scanning Pulsed CDL. Simulation of Clear Air Turbulence Detection by Coherent Doppler Lidars. Conclusions. ; Lidar Investigations of Aircraft Wake Vortices -Introduction. Influence of Aircraft Wake Vortices on the Form of Doppler Spectra: Velocity Envelopes and Integration Method. Measurement of Wake Vortex Parameters Using a Continuous-Wave CDL. Measurement of Wake Vortex Parameters Using a Pulsed CDL. Comparative Analysis of the Results of Simultaneous Measurements of Wake Vortex Parameters Using Pulsed and Continuous-Wave Lidars. Measurements of Wake Vortex Parameters in the Atmospheric Surface Layer. Lidar Investigations of the Influence of Wind and Atmospheric Turbulence on Wake Vortices in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Measurement of Wake Vortex Parameters Using an Airborne Lidar in the Free Atmosphere. Lidar Investigations of a Wind Turbine Wake. Conclusions. ;
  • Viktor Banakh Viktor Banakh is head of the wave propagation laboratory at the Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Russia. He earned his Ph.D. from Tomsk State University.
  • Igor Smalikho Igor Smalikho is leading scientist at the Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Russia. He earned his Ph.D. from Tomsk State University.
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