The first book devoted exclusively to high-power GaAs FET amplifier design, this comprehensive text covers FET design, circuit design, thermal and reliability analysis, and systems applications. While some books devote only brief sections to GaAs FET power hybrid and monolithic amplifiers, this one provides in-depth treatment of all the relevant aspects. Supported by 187 illustrations and 425 equations.
Basic Theory. High-Power GaAs FETs. High-Power FET Design. Computer-Aided Design of GaAs FET Power Amplifiers. High-Power GaAs amplifier Design. Thermal Effects and Reliability. Combining Techniques. systems Applications of GaAs FET Power Amplifiers.
John L. B. Walker
John L.B. Walker is RF division manager for Semelab plc, Lutterworth, England. He holds a B.Sc. in electrical engineering, an M.Sc. in microwaves and communications, and a Ph.D. in microwave directional filters, all from Leeds University.