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Artech House UK
Lithium-Ion Battery Failures in Consumer Electronics

Lithium-Ion Battery Failures in Consumer Electronics

Copyright: 2019
Pages: 238
ISBN: 9781630816049

eBook £72.00

This comprehensive resource caters to system designers that are looking to incorporate lithium ion (li-ion) batteries in their applications. Detailed discussion of the various system considerations that must be addressed at the design stage to reduce the risk of failures in the field is presented. The book includes technical details of all state-of-the-art Li-on energy storage subsystems and their requirements, and provides a system designer a single resource detailing all of the common issues navigated when using Li-ion batteries to reduce the risk of field failures.


The book details the various industry standards that are applicable to the subsystems of Li-ion energy storage systems and how the requirements of these standards may impact the design of their system. Checklists are included to help readers evaluate their own battery system designs and identify gaps in the designs that increase the risk of field failures. The book is packed with numerous examples of issues that have caused field failures and how a proper design/assembly process could have reduced the risk of these failures.

Li-ion Cells: Types and Constructions; Commonly used Terminology; Li-ion Energy Storage System Design; AC Adapters and their Requirements; Li-ion Battery Charger Requirements and Designs; Battery Protection Circuit Considerations; Industry and Abuse Standards; Physical Construction of Battery Packs; Field Failures and Investigation Tools; Fire Investigations; System Checklists.
  • Ashish Arora

    is a principal engineer at Exponent Engineering and Scientific Consulting. He received his M.B.A. from Indiana University and is a member of IEEE.

  • Sneha Lele

    is an electronics engineer at Exponent Engineering and Scientific Consulting. She received her Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from The University of Western Ontario and is a member of IEEE.

  • Noshirwan Medora

    is a senior management engineer at Exponent Engineering and Scientific Consulting. He received his M.S. in electrical engineering from MIT and is a senior member of IEEE.

  • Shukri Souri

    is Corporate Vice President & Practice Director at Exponent Engineering and Scientific Consulting. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University and is a senior member of IEEE.

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