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Millimeter-Wave and Infrared Multisensor Design and Signal Processing

Millimeter-Wave and Infrared Multisensor Design and Signal Processing

By (author): Lawrence A. Klein
Copyright: 1997
Pages: 448
ISBN: 9780890067642

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Here's a practical, non-theoretical introduction to the principles, applications and benefits of multi-sensor technology used in smart weapon development, surveillance systems, and an increasing variety of non-military applications. This book provides a broad overview of MMW (millimeter-wave) and IR (infrared) sensor constraints, design principles, system alternatives and targeting applications, and is unique in its coverage of integrated MMW and IR multisensor design. Drawing on extensive professional experience in the design of fire-and-forget weapon systems, the author describes the operation, tradeoffs, clutter scenarios, performance measures, and signal processing techniques applicable to passive and active MMW and IR sensors. You learn how target detection, even in high-clutter background, and identification of atmospheric and land-based features can be greatly enhanced by combining data from selected multiple sensors.
1.Introduction: The Need for Sensors in Modern Weapon Systems. Increasing Weapon System Effectiveness With Sensors. Precision Guided Munitions. Mission-Based Weapon Selection. Book Contents. 2. Multiple-Sensor System Benefits, Architectures, and Component Properties: Sensor Characteristics and Applications Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Sensor and Data Fusion Configurations. Benefits of Multimode, Multispectral Sensor Systems. Resolution Versus Wavelength. Effects of Operating Frequency on Availability and Performance of MMW Sensor Hardware Components. IR Thermal and Quantum Detectors. Strengths and Weaknesses of Passive and Active Electromagnetic Sensors Used for Object Discrimination and Tracking. 3. Effects of the Atmosphere and Obscurants on Millimeter-Wave and Infrared Sensors: Influence of Wavelength on Atmospheric Attenuation. Absorption and Attenuation of MMW Energy by Atmospheric Constituents. Backscatter of MMW Energy by Rain. Absorption and Scattering of IR Energy by Atmospheric Constituents. EOSAEL Sensor Performance Model. 4. Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensors: Radar Configurations. Mixer Operation. Noise Figure and Receiver Sidebands. Pulse Radar. FMCW Radar. CW Doppler Radar. Pulse Doppler Radar. Synthetic Aperture Radar. Optimizing Radar Target Detection in Ground Clutter. Increasing Detection Probability With Multiple Independent Samples. Radar Angle-Tracking Error. Target Resolution. High-Clutter Backgrounds. Backscatter From Targets. Signal-Processing Techniques for Target Detection and Classification. 5. Processing of Intermediate Frequency Data in an FMCW Radar: Range Resolution. Radar Range Equation. Range to Background. Diversity Gain and Integration Gain. Temporal and Frequency Decorrelation. Range to Target. Height Profile Operation. Scene Modeling. 6. Passive Millimeter-Wave Sensors: Planck Radiation Law. Radiative Transfer Theory. Total Power Radiometer. Dicke Radiometer. Noise Injection Radiometer. Radiometer Signal-to-Noise and Signal-to-Clutter Ratio. Angle-Tracking Error. Background-Clutter Signatures. Target Detection in Nonmetamorphic and Metamorphic Snow. 7. Passive Infrared Sensors: Passive Infrared Sensor Design Issues. Scene-Imaging Techniques. Object Discrimination Levels. Energy Emission by Blackbody Objects in the Infrared Spectrum. Measures of Performance. Target Classification Models. Sampling Frequency Selection. Direct Detection of Photon Energy. Heterodyne Detection of Photon Energy. Detection of Photon Energy in Quantum Noise. Signal Processing of Multipixel Imagery for Automatic Target Recognition. 8. Laser Radar: Target Designation and Ranging. Solid State Lasers. Laser Radar Imagery. Laser Radar Range Equation. Effective Radar Cross-Section of Laser Targets. Noise Sources in Laser Radars. Laser Radar Target Fluctuation Characteristics. Detection Probability Calculation for Laser Radar Sensors. Comparison of Millimeter-Wave and Infrared Signal Detection Theory. 9. Windows and Domes for Dual-Wavelength MMW and IR Sensors: General Requirements for a Dual-Wavelength Sensor Window. Dielectric Theory. Window and Radome Wall Configurations. Physical Properties of Window Materials. 10. Millimeter-Wave/Infrared Dual-Sensor Design: Mission Scenario. Dual-Sensor Configuration. MMW Antenna and Receiver Concept. Seeker Scan Rate and Acceleration. MMW Sensor Design and Performance Calculations. IR Sensor Design and Performance Calculations.
  • Lawrence A. Klein Lawrence A. Klein, Ph.D. is currently a private consultant and was commended by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration for his performance while with the Hughes Aircraft Company as principal investigator on the Detection Technology for Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems program. He received his B.E.E. from the City College of New York, his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rochester (NY), and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from New York University. He is a member of the Freeway Operations Committee of TRB, member of ASTM E17 Group V - ITS, senior member of the IEEE, was co-chair of the SPIE Collision Avoidance and Automated Traffic Management Sensors Conference, and has published 3 other books and over 50 technical papers.
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