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New Foundations for Applied Electromagnetics: The Spatial Structure of Fields

New Foundations for Applied Electromagnetics: The Spatial Structure of Fields

By (author)s: Yahia Antar, Said Mikki
Copyright: 2016
Pages: 600
ISBN: 9781608079193

Print Book £94.00 Qty:
12 units available
eBook £72.00
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This comprehensive new resource focuses on applied electromagnetics and takes readers beyond the conventional theory with the use of contemporary mathematics to improve the practical use of electromagnetics in emerging areas of field communications, wireless power transfer, metamaterials, MIMO and direction-of-arrival systems. The book explores the existing and novel theories and principles of electromagnetics in order to help engineers analyze and design devices for today's applications in wireless power transfers, NFC, and metamaterials. This book is organized into clear and logical sections spanning from fundamental theory, to applications, promoting clear understanding through-out. This resource presents the theory of electromagnetic near fields including chapters on reactive energy, spatial and spectral theory, the scalar antenna, and the morphogenesis of electromagnetic radiation in the near field zone. The Antenna Current Green's Function Formalism is explored with an emphasis on the foundations, the organic interrelationships between the fundamental operational modes of general antenna systems, and the spectral approach to antenna-to-antenna interactions. The book offers perspective on nonlocal metamaterials, including the material response theory, the far-field theory, and the near-field theory.
The Theory of Electromagnetic Near Fields: Reactive Energy and the Near Field; The Spatial Theory of Electromagnetic Fields; The Spectral Theory of Electromagnetic Fields; The Scalar Antenna Near Field; A Simplified Approach to the Spectral Theory of Electromagnetic Near Fields; Morphogenesis of Electromagnetic Radiation in the Near-Field Zone; The Antenna Current Green 's Function (ACGF) Formalism: The Antenna Current Green 's Function Formalism as a Paradigm; Foundations of the Antenna Current Green 's Function Formalism; The Organic Interrelationships between the Fundamental Operational Modes of General Antenna Systems; Nonlocal Metamaterials- GeneralIntroduction and Motivation; Review of Spatial Electromagnetics (The Material Response Theory); The Far-Field Theory of Nonlocal Matamaterials; The Near-Field Theory of Nonlocal Metamaterials; Applications-Basic Applications of the Antenna Current Green 's Function; The Antenna Current Green 's Function as a Method to Compute Near Field Interactions; Electromagnetic Mutual Coupling in General Antenna Systems-Theory and Applications; Computational Method for the Analysis of Localized Energy in Mutually-Coupled Antenna Systems; Applications to MIMO and Spatial Diversity Systems.
  • Yahia Antar Yahia Antar is a professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Queens University, Kingston and a professor in the Physics department at RMC, Kingston. He is also associate director at the Defence and Security Research Institute.
  • Said Mikki Said Mikki is a research fellow in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the Royal Military College of Canada. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Mississippi and his B.S. and M.S. in electrical engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordon.
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