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Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems, Second Edition

Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems, Second Edition

By (author): Paul D. Groves
Copyright: 2013
Pages: 800
ISBN: 9781608070060

eBook £92.00
This newly revised and greatly expanded edition of the popular Artech House book Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems offers you a current and comprehensive understanding of satellite navigation, inertial navigation, terrestrial radio navigation, dead reckoning, and environmental feature matching . It provides both an introduction to navigation systems and an in-depth treatment of INS/GNSS and multisensor integration. The second edition offers a wealth of added and updated material, including a brand new chapter on the principles of radio positioning and a chapter devoted to important applications in the field. Other updates include expanded treatments of map matching, image-based navigation, attitude determination, acoustic positioning, pedestrian navigation, advanced GNSS techniques, and several terrestrial and short-range radio positioning technologies. The book shows you how satellite, inertial, and other navigation technologies work, and focuses on processing chains and error sources. In addition, you get a clear introduction to coordinate frames, multi-frame kinematics, Earth models, gravity, Kalman filtering, and nonlinear filtering. Providing solutions to common integration problems, the book describes and compares different integration architectures, and explains how to model different error sources. You get a broad and penetrating overview of current technology and are brought up to speed with the latest developments in the field, including context-dependent and cooperative positioning. DVD Included: Features eleven appendices, interactive worked examples, basic GNSS and INS MATLAB simulation software, and problems and exercises to help you master the material.
Introduction - Fundamental Concepts. Dead Reckoning. Position Fixing. The Navigation System. Overview of the Book. ; Coordinate Frames, Kinematics, and the Earth - Coordinate Frames. Attitude, Rotation, and Resolving Axes Transformations. Kinematics. Earth Surface and Gravity Models. Frame Transformations.; Kalman Filter-Based Estimation -Introduction. Algorithms and Models. Implementation Issues. Extensions to the Kalman Filter. The Particle Filter.; Inertial Sensors - Accelerometers. Gyroscopes. Inertial Measurement Units. Error Characteristics. ; Inertial Navigation -Introduction to Inertial Navigation. Inertial-Frame Navigation Equations. Earth-Frame Navigation Equations. Local-Navigation-Frame Navigation Equations. Navigation Equations Optimization. Initialization and Alignment. INS Error Propagation. Indexed IMU. Partial IMU. ; Dead Reckoning, Attitude, and Height Measurement - Attitude Measurement. Height and Depth Measurement. Odometry. Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Using Step Detection. Doppler Radar and Sonar. Other Dead-Reckoning Techniques. ; Principles of Radio Positioning - Radio Positioning Configurations and Methods. Positioning Signals. User Equipment. Propagation, Error Sources, and Positioning Accuracy.; GNSS: Fundamentals, Signals, and Satellites - Fundamentals of Satellite Navigation. The Systems GNSS Signals. Navigation Data Messages. Satellite Orbits and Geometry. ; GNSS: User Equipment Processing and Errors - Receiver Hardware and Antenna. Ranging Processor. Range Error Sources. Navigation Processor. ; GNSS: Advanced Techniques - Differential GNSS. Real-Time Kinematic Carrier-Phase Positioning and Attitude Determination. Interference Rejection and Weak Signal Processing. Mitigation of Multipath Interference and Nonline-of-Sight Reception. Aiding, Assistance, and Orbit Prediction. Shadow Matching.; Long- and Medium-Range Radio Navigation - Aircraft Navigation Systems. Enhanced Loran. Phone Positioning. Other Systems. ; Short-Range Positioning - Pseudolites. Ultrawideband. Short-Range Communications Systems. Underwater Acoustic Positioning. Other Positioning Technologies. ; Environmental Feature Matching - Map Matching. Terrain-Referenced Navigation. Image-Based Navigation. Other Feature-Matching Techniques. ; INS/GNSS Integration - Integration Architectures. System Model and State Selection. Measurement Models. Advanced INS/GNSS Integration. ; INS Alignment, Zero Updates, and Motion Constraints - Transfer Alignment. Quasi-Stationary. Alignment. Zero Updates. Motion Constraints. ; Multisensor Integrated Navigation - Integration Architectures. Dead Reckoning, Attitude, and Height Measurement. Position-Fixing Measurements. ; Fault Detection, Integrity Monitoring, and Testing - Failure Modes. Range Checks. Kalman Filter Measurement Innovations. Direct Consistency Checks. Infrastructure-Based Integrity Monitoring. Solution Protection and Performance Requirements. Testing. ER 18 Applications and Future Trends - Design and Development. Aviation. Guided Weapons and Small UAVs. Land Vehicle Applications. Rail Navigation. Marine Navigation. Underwater Navigation. Spacecraft. Navigation. Pedestrian Navigation. Other Applications. Future Trends. ;
  • Paul D. Groves Paul D. Groves is a lecturer and academic faculty member at University College London (UCL), where he leads research into robust positioning and navigation within UCL's Space Geodesy and Navigation Laboratory. Previously, he was a scientist with QinetiQ, Ltd, specializing in navigation systems. Dr. Groves is a chartered physicist, a member of the Institute of Physics, a fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation, and a member of the Institute of Navigation. He studied at the University of Oxford, where he earned a B.A., in physics, an M.A., and a D.Phil. in atomic and laser physics.
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