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Reengineering Yourself and Your Company: From Engineer to Manager to Leader

Reengineering Yourself and Your Company: From Engineer to Manager to Leader

By (author): Harold Eisner
Copyright: 2000
Pages: 274
ISBN: 9780890063538

Print Book £65.00 Qty:
eBook £42.00
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Deal effectively with changes in markets and personnel, growth of your enterprise, team management, and integration using this dynamic new book. Focusing on unique challenges that are sure to impact high-tech companies in the 21 st century, this book helps you excel at managing your personnel, and it strengthens your leadership skills to make you a top-notch motivator, organizer, and guide. Along the way, you learn how to apply these improvements to your enterprise as a whole. Deal effectively with changes in markets and personnel, growth of your enterprise, team management, and integration using this dynamic new book. Focusing on unique challenges that are sure to impact high-tech companies in the 21st century, this book helps you excel at managing your personnel, and it strengthens your leadership skills to make you a top-notch motivator, organizer, and guide. Along the way, you learn how to apply these improvements to your enterprise as a whole. Designed as a comprehensive guide to effective strategic performance at both the enterprise and personal levels, Reengineering Yourself and Your Enterprise provides individual high-tech professionals, managers, and corporate officers with a united approach to meeting the challenges unique to high-tech in the coming years, and a distinctive approach to personal professional growth at the same time.
Part One: Setting the Stage. Background and Premises. High-Tech Force Fields in the 21 st Century. Part Two: Aspects of Change. The Nature of Change. Themes for Corporate Change. Part Three: Reengineering Yourself. Skills for the High-Tech Manager. Leadership Themes. From Manager to Leader. Part Four: Reengineering Your Enterprise. Strategic Directions. Enterprise Performance Levels. Synthesis and Integration. Appendix. References. Index.
  • Harold Eisner Harold Eisner is a Distinguished Research Professor at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. Previously, his professional experience included executive and research engineer positions with ORI, Inc. and the Atlantic Research Corporation. He has published two previous books on system and software engineering and received his B.E.E. from Columbia University, his M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, and his D.Sc. from The George Washington University. Mr. Eisner is a Fellow of the IEEE, a senior member of the AIAA, a member of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Services (INFORMS), and a delegate to its American Association of Engineering Societies (AAES).
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