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Successful Marketing Strategy for High-Tech Firms, Third Edition

Successful Marketing Strategy for High-Tech Firms, Third Edition

By (author): Eric Viardot
Copyright: 2004
Pages: 326
ISBN: 9781580537001

Print Book £64.00 Qty:
eBook £52.00
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This extensively revised third edition of the Artech House bestseller, Successful Marketing Strategies for High-Tech Firms, reflects the ruthless realities of the new high-tech marketplace where effective marketing strategy counts as much as the latest and greatest technology. The multitude of brand new material includes detailed case studies that teach the hard-learn lessons that have enabled such high-tech giants as Yahoo, IBM, Cisco, Nokia, Samsung, and eBay to come out of the tech market meltdown stronger and more competitive. You learn how to develop innovative product offers that connect to actual customer needs so your organization can create new wealth and develop new markets. You discover how to identify customer needs so your organization is able to outsmart competition by marketing the right product at the right time. This timely resource shows you how to objectively evaluate your organization 's technologies, develop effective product line strategies, precisely target marketing efforts, and design the most profitable distribution, communication, and pricing strategies. Both entry-level and veteran marketing professionals can benefit from the author's penetrating insight into effectively positioning the marketing function in a high-tech organization, as well as the book 's step-by-step guide to crafting a marketing plan. The third edition also explains the current high-tech business reality, where pricing is the ultimate step in formulating an effective marketing mix.
What Marketing Means for High-Tech Firms - What is Marketing? What is a High-Tech Product? What is High-Tech Marketing? Chapter Summary.; Corporate and Marketing Strategies in the High-Tech Industry - The Company 's Mission and Vision in the High-Tech Industry. The Strategic Dimensions of Technology. Technology as a Strategic Resource Competence. Developing Technology Competence Through External Growth. What Are the Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Plan for High-Tech Products? Chapter Summary.; Knowing Customers and Markets - Determining the Customer 's Buying Behavior. Estimating Demand. Managing the Relationships with Customers. Chapter Summary.; Understanding Competitors - Identifying Competitors. Analyzing a Competitor 's Strategy. Finding Information about Competitors. Organizing Competitive Analysis. Chapter Summary.; Selecting Markets - Two Market Segmentation Methods for High-Tech Products and Services. Evaluating and Targeting Segments. The Positioning of the Solution. Segmentation and Time. Chapter Summary.; Product Strategy - Managing the Three Product Dimensions. Managing a Product Range. Managing a High-Tech Product According to Its Product Life Cycle. Chapter Summary.; Distributing and Selling High-Tech Products - Selecting Distribution Channels for High-Tech Products. Managing Distributors of High-Tech Products. Selling High-Tech Products. Chapter Summary.; Communication Strategy for High-Tech Products - Communication for High-Tech Products. Setting A communication Budget. Allocating the Advertising Budget. Managing Promotional Tools. The Specific Role of Preannouncements in the Communications Plan for High-Tech Products. Corporate Advertising, Viral Marketing and Public Relations. Chapter Summary.; Pricing High-Tech Products - Determining Price Limits. Setting the Price of High-Tech Products. Adapting a Price Policy to Different Types of High-Tech Products. Integrating the Other Determinants of Price. Managing Price. Chapter Summary.; The Position of Marketing within High-Tech Companies - The Position of the Marketing Structure in a High-Tech Firm. The Internal Organization of the Marketing Structure. The Necessary Cooperation of the Marketing Department with Other Departments. Chapter Summary.; Appendices - Key Success Factors of a Marketing Department in a High-Tech Company. The Marketing Plan.;
  • Eric Viardot Eric Viardot is a professor at Ceram, a European school of management located in southern France. A graduate of the HEC Business School and the Institute of Political Sciences, Dr.Viardot holds a Ph.D. in management. He is also the author of Introduction to Information-Based High-Tech Services (Artech House, 1999).
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