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The Entrepreneurial Engineer: Starting Your Own High-Tech Company

The Entrepreneurial Engineer: Starting Your Own High-Tech Company

By (author): R. Wayne Fields
Copyright: 1999
Pages: 350
ISBN: 9781580530293

Print Book £33.00 Qty:
If you're a skilled engineer or manager with creative product ideas but limited knowledge of how to actually start building a company around your ideas, this is the resource for you. In it you get practical insights, tools, objectives, strategies, and actions you can apply to any stage of your project...from your initial idea to the all-important question of profitability. The emphasis is on practical business development principles for the small, sub-venture capital project. The ever-pressing issue of funding is shown as a manageable hurdle and you 're shown how to structure and develop your business so as to attract potential investors. The critical role of marketing is also explained and you learn practical, theoretically sound approaches for bringing your product to market. This comprehensive book helps you: develop your idea into a commercially viable product line or complete business; approach and solve the critical issues involved in funding your project, from start to finish; use multiple business operating structures for implementing efficient, long-range coordination, command and control; apply high standards of company-wide quality assurance; write a solid business plan that attracts funding and keeps your business on course.
Preface. A View of the Overall Process. Success Factors. Stages of Business Development. The Concept. Planning and The Plan. Funding, Initial and Later. Design Stage. Launch Preparation.Introduction Stage. Stabilization and Growth. Control-Making it Really Happen. Final Overview. Appendix I: The Business Plan Document. Appendix II: War Story-All the Right Stuff. Index.
  • R. Wayne Fields
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