Strengthen your understanding of fast-moving WDMA optical network technology, and learn how to better select and design reliable all-optical telecom networks with this practical new book. In a clear style that's understandable to WDMA network specialists and non-experts alike, the authors summarize the newest technical advances in this growing field, saving you hours of time you'd otherwise spend sifting through piles of research papers on the subject. Telecom operators and service providers responsible for designing new or improving existing WDMA networks can turn to this information-packed reference that helps expand your knowledge of...Key network architectures, including LLN, Manhattan, Shuffle, De Bruijn, Gemmet, Matrix, Swift, Starnet, and much more; How to employ an effective method of network organization based on traffic demands, and how to choose the best network carriers for your particular service; Important reliability and reconfigurability problems, as well as critical routing strategies and transmission protocols. Supported by 164 illustrations, 31 tables, more than 190 equations, and dozens of WDMA network implementation examples, the book is also a valuable handbook for electrical engineers and producers of optical systems, and an excellent learning tool for university researchers and graduate students.
Optical Networking. Single-Hop Optical Networks. Multi-Hop Optical Networks. Multilevel Optical Networks.
Andrea Borella
Giovanni Cancellieri
Franco Chiaraluce