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Ahmet Gungor Pakfiliz

graduated in Electrical Engineering from Yildiz Technical University in 1991. The same year, he was appointed lieutenant as an engineer officer in the Turkish Air Force. During the first years of his military life, he gained experience in radar and avionics system maintenance and procurement projects. He earned his MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Middle East Technical University in 1997. This year, he was appointed to the Electronic Warfare (EW) Department of the Turkish General Staff. From this point, he worked as a system engineer on radar and EW systems in procurement projects, pre-programming of the systems, and operational support. He received his Ph.D. in statistical signal processing in Electronics Engineering from Ankara University in 2004. From 2004 to 2013, he worked as a technical director and engineering management in different parts of the Turkish Armed Forces. From 2009-2011, he was the national representative of the NATO Science and Technology Organization Board's Systems Concepts and Integration Panel. He retired from military service in 2013 as a Colonel.

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