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C. Warren Axelrod

C. Warren Axelrod is the president of C. Warren Axelrod, LLC. He was previously the research director for financial services for the U.S. Cyber Consequences Unit and an executive adviser to the Financial Services Technology Consortium. He was also the chief privacy officer and business information security officer for U.S. Trust. He has been a senior information technology executive in financial services for more than 25 years, has contributed to numerous conferences and seminars, and has published extensively. Dr. Axelrod is the author of Enterprise Information Security and Privacy and Outsourcing Information Security (Artech House 2009, 2004). He holds a Ph.D. in managerial economics from Cornell University, and a B.Sc. in electrical engineering and an M.A. in economics and statistics from Glasgow University. He is certified as a CISSP and CISM.

C. Warren Axelrod's Books

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