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Mohammad S. Sharawi

is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He is the founder and director of the Antennas and Microwave Structure Design Laboratory (AMSDL). Prof. Sharawi was a visiting research scholar at the intelligent Radio Laboratory (iRadio Lab) at the university of Calgary, AB, Canada, during 2014-2015. He was a visiting Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Oakland University, Michigan, USA, in 2013. He obtained his PhD in RF Systems Engineering from Oakland University, Michigan, USA, in 2006. During 2002-2003 he was a hardware design engineer with Silicon Graphics Inc., California, USA. Professor Sharawi has more than 230 refereed international journal and conference paper publications. He is the author of the book “Printed MIMO Antenna Engineering,” Artech House, 2014. He has 8 book chapters in Antenna design and RF Engineering. His research interests include Printed and MIMO Antenna design and characterization, Applied Electromagnetics and RF system design. He has 14 issued and 15 pending patents with the USPO. Professor Sharawi is a Senior Member IEEE and Fellow IET.

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